Visit from Open Doors

29th April 2016
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On Monday 25th April Year 10 had a visit from Open Doors, an organisation which helps persecuted Christians worldwide.  In RE class we have been learning about how some countries have strict laws which do not allow religious freedom: this means that the citizens cannot decide for themselves which religion to follow or, indeed, whether or not to follow any religion at all.

The visitors explained how some Christians believe that their duty to God and to their fellow Christians is more important than obeying very restricting laws, which some countries have in order to deprive their citizens of religious freedom.  They showed how they manage to help persecuted Christians to obtain the Bibles which they really want.  Open Doors helps people with their daily needs also.

“It was a very insightful talk, which made us appreciate our religious freedom more.”

“We especially loved seeing the replica of Brother Andrew’s Volkswagen Beetle.”

“We also loved the exciting stories told about modern-day Bible smugglers.”

“We enjoyed your talk, seeing the Beetle and hearing all the stories.”

Comments from Shelley, Alice and Rachel, on behalf of Year 10.